The Terri Garcia Law firm offers a variety of legal services in a number of fields of practice, including:

Construction Law As the result of many years spent as a manager of a concrete plant, Terri Garcia knows the in and outs of the construction business. Whether you need help in negotiating a construction contract or in the resolution of a complex construction dispute, you want an experienced, knowledgeable attorney like Terri Garcia on your side.
Insurance Law If your insurance company is attempting to delay or deny the payment of a legitimate claim or engaging in some sort of bad faith action, contact Terri Garcia to fight for the compensation that you deserve.
Family Law Terri Garcia provides quality legal representation in the areas of divorce, annulment, pre-nuptial agreements, separation agreements, child custody, visitation rights, alimony, child support, paternity, marital property rights, spousal abuse, child abuse, and domestic partnerships.
Personal Injury Law If you have been injured by a car accident, a motorcycle accident, a construction accident, a defective product, a dangerous drug, a fire, and explosion, an electrical accident, or an animal bite, Terri Garcia can protect your rights and ensure that you are fully compensated for your losses.